Sunday, May 23, 2010

'10 Season has begun!

Small Fortune went into the water last week and we've already got a day of striper fishing under our belts. Here are some pictures of her going into the water. Notice the beautiful blue bottom. The last month and a half or so we've been busy completely stripping the many old layers of paint off her, sanding it down, and then putting on a sleek new fresh layer. You could have gotten lost in the enormous pock marks and craters that were carved into the old paint but now its going to be nothing but smooth cruising out to the canyons!

We decided not to soda blast the boat and instead went for a slower but more thorough method. We used Aircraft Fiberglass Stripper and a lot of elbow grease to get the paint off. Many thanks to our tireless crew, especially Dean for his relentless attack on the bottom. (Side note: If you're into playing the stocks and seen an uncharacteristic rise in Aircrafts stocks over the last two months and decided to get in on it, I would suggest selling now. Without the support of Small Fortune, things may take a turn for the worse!)

Small Fortune getting ready to go in the water

Notice that nice new paint job! Oh, and how about those brand new underwater lights! We already have seen lots of bait fish chased by giant stripers right in the harbor. I can't wait to see the squid and tuna in them!

Goin' in!

Now a call to arms for the father's day shark tournament out of Star Island. If you're in, shoot us an email at

See you on the water!